Moxie Gems Frames Moxie Gems Frames Moxie Gems Frames

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The Start Frame

The initial screen with a static preview image.

Market static
Market Gems Frame (Static)

Both User & Channel fan tokens on the Market. Shows the static preview image.

Market table
Market Gems Frame (Table)

Both User & Channel fan tokens on the Market. Shows the table right away.

Market choice
Market Choice Frame

Choose between seeing User gems or Channel gems on the Market.

Market channels static
Market Channels Frame (Static)

Channel fan tokens gems on the Market. Shows the static preview image.

Market channels table
Market Channels Frame (Table)

Channel fan tokens gems on the Market. Shows the table right away.

Market users static
Market Users Frame (Static)

User fan tokens gems on the Market. Shows the static preview image.

Market users table
Market Users Frame (Table)

User fan tokens gems on the Market. Shows the table right away.

Auctions static
Auctions Gems Frame (Static)

Both User & Channel fan tokens on Auctions. Shows the static preview image.

Auctions table
Auctions Gems Frame (Table)

Both User & Channel fan tokens on the Auctions. Shows the table right away.

Auctions choice
Auctions Choice Frame

Choose between seeing User gems or Channel gems on Auctions.

Auctions channels static
Auctions Channels Frame (Static)

Channel fan tokens gems on Auctions. Shows the static preview image.

Auctions channels table
Auctions Channels Frame (Table)

Channel fan tokens gems on Auctions. Shows the table right away.

Auctions users static
Auctions Users Frame (Static)

User fan tokens gems on Auctions. Shows the static preview image.

Auctions users table
Auctions Users Frame (Table)

User fan tokens gems on Auctions. Shows the table right away.